Membership & Volunteering
Although every organization begins with a few people who share a vision and passion. For any community organization to survive, it needs to communicate and grow with the residents.
We will always be looking for like-minded people to join us preserving our local history.
Volunteers who would like to write on local historical topics, help maintain a small cemetery, serve as a member of the Board, photograph areas of the township, provide historic presentations to groups, research, type, keep track of memberships, help with applications, etc. We want to hear from you.
Membership and Volunteering
Although every organization begins with a few people who share a vision and passion. For any community organization to survive, it needs to communicate and grow with the residents.
We will always be looking for like-minded people to join us preserving our local history. Volunteers who would like to write on local historical topics, help maintain a small cemetery, photograph areas of the township, provide historic presentations to groups, research, type, keep track of memberships, help with plague applications, etc. We would love to hear from you.

Volunteers who came to help finish mortaring and cleanup at the Stoner Cemetery - October 15, 2022